Publicaciones 2020

119/ Magnetic Nanostructures ​
Thermodynamic properties of cylindrical core/shell quantum dot 
M. Kria; K. Feddi; M. Bikerouin; A. El Aouami; N. Aghoutane; M. El-Yadri; L.M. Pérez; D. Laroze; F. Dujardin; E. Feddi 
10.1016/j.physa.2020.125104 / Physica A, Vol.560 p. 125104(13pp), 2020.

118/ Magnetic Nanostructures 
Tuning domain wall dynamics by shaping nanowires cross-sections 
D. Altbir; J.M. Fonseca; O. Chubykalo-Fesenko; R.M. Corona; R. Moreno; V.L. Carvalho-Santos; Y.P. Ivanov 
10.1038/s41598-020-78761-w / Scientific Reports, Vol.10 p. 21911 (10 pp), 2020.

117/ Nanobiomedicine 
Angiotensin-(1-7) Prevents Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Autophagy via the Mas Receptor in Skeletal Muscle  
J.C. Rivera; J. Abrigo; F. Tacchi; F. Simon; E. Brandan; R.A. Santos; M. Bader; M. Chiong; C. Cabello-Verrugio 
10.3390/ijms21249344 / International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Vol.21 p. 9344, 2020.

116/ Nanobiomedicine 
TRPM Channels in Human Diseases 
I. Jimenez; Y. Prado; F. Marchant; C. Otero; F. Eltit; C. Cabello-Verrugio; O. Cerda; F. Simon
10.3390/cells9122604 / Cells, Vol.9 p. 2604, 2020.

115/ Simulations; Magnetic Nanostructures 
Polycrystalline Ni Nanotubes under Compression: A Molecular Dynamics Study 
J. Rojas-Nunez; S.E. Baltazar; R.I. Gonzalez; E.M. Bringa; S. Allende; M. Kiwi; F.J. Valencia 
10.1038/s41598-020-76276-y / Scientic Reports-Nature Publishing Group, Vol.10 p. 21096, 2020.

114/ Magnetic Nanostructures 
Magnetic field effect on the electronic states and the intraband optical absorption spectrum of a laser dressed double quantum dot molecule 
M.G. Barseghyan; H.M. Baghramyan; L.M. Pérez; D. Laroze 
10.1016/j.cjph.2020.09.028 / Chinese Journal of Physics, Vol.68 p. 507 to 513, 2020.

113/ Simulations 
Helical Spin Structure in Iron Chains with Hybridized Boundaries 
N. Vargas; F. Torres; A. Baker; J.R.I. Lee; M. Kiwi; T. Willey; C. Monton; I.K. Schuller 
10.1063/5.0022926 / Applied Physics Letters, Vol.117 p. 92401, 2020.

112/ Nanobiomedicine 
IMT504 Provides Analgesia by Modulating Cell Infiltrate and Inflammatory Milieu in a Chronic Pain Model 
C. Leiguarda; C. Potilinski; J. Rubione; P. Tate; M.J. Villar; A. Montaner; V. Bisagno; L. Constandil, P.R. Brumovsky
10.1007/s11481-020-09971-2 / Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology, 2020.

111/ Magnetic Nanostructures 
Dynamic and static properties of stadium-shaped antidot arrays 
E. Saavedra; R.M. Corona; N.J. Vidal-Silva; J.L. Palma; D. Altbir; J. Escrig 
10.1038/s41598-020-77074-2 / Scientific Reports, Vol.10 p. 20024 (12pp), 2020.

110/ Chemistry of Nanostructures 
Control of Magnetic Anisotropy by Macrocyclic Ligand Distortion in a Family of DyIII and ErIII Single Molecule Magnets 
Y. Gil; P. Fuentealba; A. Vega; E. Spodine; D. Aravena 
10.1039/d0dt03370g / Dalton Transactions, Vol.49 p. 17709 to 17718, 2020.

109/ Magnetic Nanostructures 
Coercivity dependence of cation distribution in Co-based spinel: correlating theory and experiments 
R.M. Freire; J.L. Palma; S. Michea; R. Ramirez; S.E. Baltazar; J.C. Denardin 
10.1039/D0QI01129K / Inorganic Chemistry Frantiers, 2020.

108/ Magnetic Nanostructures 
Stabilization of Magnetic Skyrmions on Arrays of Self-Assembled Hexagonal Nanodomes for Magnetic Recording Applications 
F. Tejo; D. Toneto; S. Oyarzún; J. Hermosilla; C.S. Danna; J.L. Palma; R.B. da Silva; L.S. Dorneles; J.C. Denardin 
10.1021/acsami.0c14350 / ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol.12 p. 53454 to 53461, 2020.

107/ Magnetic Nanostructures 
Measuring the seismic risk along the Nazca–South American subduction front: Shannon entropy and mutability
E.E. Vogel; F.G. Brevis; D. Pastén; V. Muñoz; R.A. Miranda; A.C.-L. Chian
10.5194/nhess-20-2943-2020 / Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Vol.20 p. 2943 to 2969, 2020.

106/ Magnetic Nanostructures 
Dynamic Quarantine: A comparative analysis of the Chilean Public Health response to COVID-19 
G. Grebe; J.A. Vélez; A. Tiutiunnyk; D. Aragón-Caqueo; J. Fernández-Salinas; M. Navarrete; D. Laroze
10.1017/S0950268820002678 / Epidemiology and Infection, Vol.148 p. 1 (9pp), 2020.

105/ Chemistry of Nanostructures 
Synthesis and evaluation of new heteroaryl nitrones with spin trap properties 
G. Barriga-González; C. Aliaga; E. Chamorro; C. Olea-Azar; E. Norambuena; W. Porcal; M. González; H. Cerecetto 
10.1039/d0ra07720h / RSC Advances, Vol.10 p. 40127 to 40135, 2020.

104/ Simulations; Magnetic Nanostructures 
Simulated mechanical properties of finite-size graphene nanoribbons 
E. Aparicio; E. Tangarife; F. Munoz; R.I. Gonzalez; F.J. Valencia; C. Careglio, E.M. Bringa 
10.1088/1361-6528/abc036 / Nanotechnology, Vol.32 p. 45709 to 11 (pp), 2020.

103/ Packaging Technology 
Antimicrobial food packaging system based on ethyl lauroyl arginate-loaded core/shell electrospun structures by using hydrophilic and hydrophobic polymers 
C. Patiño Vidal; E. Velasquez; M.J. Galotto; C. Lopez de Dicastillo
10.1016/j.polymertesting.2020.106937 / Polymer Testing, Vol.93 p. 106937(1) to 106937(8), 2020.

102/ Simulations 
Is a social network approach relevant to football results? 
P. Medina; S. Carrasco; J. Rogan; F. Montes; J.D. Meisel; P. Lemoine, C. Lago Peñas, J.A. Valdivia 
10.1016/j.chaos.2020.110369 / Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. 

101/ Simulations 
Thermal stability of Hollow Porous Gold Nanoparticles: A Molecular Dynamics Study 
F.J. Valencia; M. Ramirez; A. Varas; M. Kiwi; J. Rogan 
10.1021/acs.jcim.0c00785 / Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, Vol.69 p. 6204 to 6210, 2020.

100/ Nanobiomedicine 
Sarcopenia Induced by Chronic Liver Disease in Mice Requires the Expression of the Bile Acids Membrane Receptor TGR5. 
J. Abrigo; F. Campos; F. Gonzalez; F. Aguirre; A. Gonzalez; C. Huerta-Salgado; S. Conejeros; F. Simon; M. Arrese; D. Cabrera; A.A. Elorza; C. Cabello-Verrugio
10.3390/ijms21217922 / International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Vol.21 p. 7922, 2020.

99/ Nanobiomedicine 
SARS-CoV-2/Renin-Angiotensin System: Deciphering the Clues for a Couple with Potentially Harmful Effects on Skeletal Muscle 
A. Gonzalez; J. Orozco-Aguilar; O. Achiardi; F. Simon; C. Cabello-Verrugio  
10.3390/ijms21217904 / International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Vol.21 p. 7904, 2020.

98/ Nanobiomedicine 
Role of Oxidative Stress in Hepatic and Extrahepatic Dysfunctions during Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
A. Gonzalez; C. Huerta-Salgado; J. Orozco-Aguilar; F. Aguirre; F. Tacchi; F. Simon; C. Cabello-Verrugio
 10.1155/2020/1617805 / Oxidative medicine and Celullular Longevity, Vol.2020 p. 1617805, 2020.

97/ Simulations 
Acoustoelectric drag current in vanadium oxide films 
P.N. Lapa; G. Kassabian; F.  Torres; P. Salev; M.H. Lee; J. Del Valle; I.K. Schuller
 10.1063/5.0015215 / Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.128 p. 155104-1 to 155104-7, 2020.

96/ Magnetic Nanostructures 
Natural arrangement of AgCu bimetallic nanostructures through oleylamine reduction 
R.M. Freire; J. Rojas-Nunez; A.L. Elias-Arriaga; K. Fujisaw; L. Troncoso; J.C. Denardin; S.E. Baltazar
10.1039/D0QI00940G / Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, Vol.7 p. 4902 to 4912, 2020.

95/ Magnetic Nanostructures 
Geometrical confinement effects on fundamental thermal properties of rutile and anatase TiO2 cylindrical and tubular nanostructures 
K. Feddi; M. Kria; M. El-Yadri; F.C. Fobasso Mbognou; G. Long; A. Tiutiunnyk; L.M. Pérez; D. Laroze; E. Feddi
10.1088/1402-4896/abb736 / Physica Scripta, Vol.95 p. 105706 (8pp), 2020.

94/ Chemistry of Nanostructures 
Co0 superparamagnetic nanoparticles stabilized by an organic layer coating with antimicrobial activity 
P.A. Santana; C.A. Castillo; S.A. Michea; D. Venegas-Yazigi; V. Paredes-Garcıa
10.1039/d0ra07017c / RSC Advances, Vol.10 p. 34712 to 34718, 2020.

93/ Chemistry of Nanostructures 
Synthesis, Spectroscopic Characterization, Structural Studies, and In Vitro Antitumor Activities of Pyridine-3-carbaldehyde Thiosemicarbazone Derivatives 
W. Hernández; F. Carrasco; A. Vaisberg; E. Spodine; J. Manzur; M. Icker; H. Krautscheid; L. Beyer
10.1155/2020/2960165 / Journal of Chemistry , Vol.2020 p. 1 to 12, 2020.

92/ Magnetic Nanostructures 
Typical skyrmions versus bimerons: A long-distance competition in ferromagnetic racetracks 
A.S. Araújo; R.J.C. Lopes; V.L. Carvalho-Santos; A.R. Pereira; R.L. Silva; R.C. Silva; D. Altbir
10.1103/PhysRevB.102.104409 / Physical Review B, Vol.102 p. 104409-1 to 104409-6, 2020.

91/ Magnetic Nanostructures 
Periodicity characterization of the nonlinear magnetization dynamics 
J.A. Vélez; J. Bragard; L.M. Pérez; A.M. Cabanas; O.J. Suarez; D. Laroze; H.L. Mancini 
10.1063/5.0006018 / Chaos, Vol.30 p. 093112-1 to 093112-10, 2020.

90/ Chemistry of Nanostructures 
Influence of cyano substituents on the electron density and catalytic activity towards the oxygen reduction reaction for iron phthalocyanine. The case for Fe(II) 2,3,9,10,16,17,23,24-octa(cyano)phthalocyanine 
J. Govan; G. Abarca; C. Aliaga; B. Sanhueza; W. Orellana; G. Cárdenas-Jirón; J.H. Zagal; F. Tasca
10.1016/j.elecom.2020.106784 / Electrochemical Communications, Vol.118 p. 106784 to 106789, 2020.

89/ Simulations 
Enhanced positive and negative exchange bias in FeF2/Ni with dusted interfaces 
I. Montoya; F. Torres; C. Redondo; M. Kiwi; I.K. Schuller; R. Morales 
10.1063/5.0021267 / Applied Physics Letters, Vol.117 p. 092401-01 to 092401-05, 2020.

88/ Chemistry of Nanostructures 
New Highly Charged Iron(III) Metal–Organic Cube Stabilized by a Bulky Amine Carlos Cruz 
A.I. Vega Carvallo; E. Spodine; A. Escuer: J.F. Marco; N. Menéndez; D. Venegas-Yazigi; V. Paredes-García 
10.1021/acsomega.0c02420 / ACS Omega, Vol.5 p. 22238 to 22247, 2020.

87/ Magnetic Nanostructures; Packaging Technology
Large acale synthesis of sulver vanadate nanowires consolidated into bulk cylinder with enhanced antibacterial properties 
Willy Klockner, Cristian Patiño; Carol Lopez de Dicastillo; Ram Manihar Yadav; Dinesh Singh
10.1016/j.matlet.2020.128403 / Materials Letters, Vol.278 p. 128403(1) to 128403(5), 2020.

86/ Packaging Technology 
Physical properties and safety of 100% post-consumer PET bottle-organoclay nanocomposites towards a circular economy 
E. Velásquez; L. Garrido; X. Valenzuela; M.J. Galotto; A. Guarda; C. López de Dicastillo 
10.1016/j.scp.2020.100285 / Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, Vol.17 p. 100285 to 100285, 2020.

85/ Nanobiomedicine 
Cholic acid and deoxycholic acid induce skeletal muscle atrophy through a mechanism dependent on TGR5 receptor
J. Abrigo; F. Gonzalez; F. Aguirre; F. Tacchi; A. Gonzalez; M.P. Meza; F. Simon; D. Cabrera; M. Arrese; S. Karpen;  C. Cabello - Verrugio
10.1002/jcp.29839 / Journal Of Cellular Physiology, Vol.236 p. 260 to 272, 2021.

84/ Chemistry of Nanostructures 
Oxygen Reduction Reaction at Penta-Coordinated Co Phthalocyanines
M. Viera; J. Riquelme; C. Aliaga; J.F. Marco; W.Orellana; J.H. Zagal; F. Tasca
10.3389/fchem.2020.00022 / Frontiers in Chemistry, Vol.8 p. 22 to (12pp), 2020.

83/ Packaging Technology 
Design of active electrospun mats with single and core-shell structures to achieve different curcumin release kinetics
A. Rojas; Eliezer Velasquez; L. Garrido; M. J. Galotto; C. Lopez de Dicastillo
10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2019.109900 / Journal of Food Engineering, Vol. 273 p. 109900(1) to 109900(10), 2020.

82/ Simulations
Electron Localization Function in Excited States: The Case of the Ultrafast Proton Transfer of the Salicylidene Methylamine
B. Maulén; A. Echeverri; T. Gómez; P. Fuentealba; C. Cárdenas
10.1021/acs.jctc.9b00691 / Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation,Vol.15, p.5531 to 5542, 2019.

81/ Simulations; Magnetic Nanostructures
Magnetostatic interaction between two bubble skyrmions
M.A. Castro; D. Mancilla-Almonacid; J.A. Valdivia; S. Allende
10.1088/1361-648X/ab6aec  / Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 32, 175801 (12pp), 2020.

80 /Simulations; Magnetic Nanostructures
Chiral symmetry and scale invariance breaking in spin chains
F. Torres; M. Kiwi; N.M. Vargas; C. Monton; I.K. Schuller
10.1063/1.5130190 / AIP Advances 10, 25215-1 to 25215-5, 2020

79/ Nanobiomedicine
Active acetylcholine receptors prevent the atrophy of skeletal muscles and favor reinnervation
B.A. Cisterna; A.A. Vargas; C. Puebla; P. Fernández; R. Escamilla; C.F. Lagos; M.F. Matus; C. Vilos; L.A. Cea; E. Barnafi; H. Gaete; D.l.F. Escobar; C.P. Cardozo; J.C. Sáez
 10.1038/s41467-019-14063-8  / Nature Communications 11, 1073 (13pp), 2020.

78/ Chemistry of Nanostructures
Variable surface charge of humic acid-ferrihydrite composite: Influence of electrolytes on Ciprofloxacin adsorption 
C. Urdiales; M. Gacitua; L. Villacura; C. Pizarro; M. Escudey; C. Canales; M. Antilen
10.1016/j.jhazmat.2019.121520 / Journal of Hazardous Materials, 385121520 (7pp), 2020

77/ Chemistry of Nanostructures
Nicosulfuron sorption kinetics and sorption/desorption on volcanic ash-derived soils: Proposal of sorption and transport mechanisms
Lizethly Caceres-Jensen; Jorge Rodriguez-Becerra; Mauricio Escudey; Jorge Joo-Nagata; Cristian A. Villagra; Valentina Dominguez-Vera; Angelo Neira-Albornoz; Maribel Cornejo-Huentemilla
10.1016/j.jhazmat.2019.121576, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 385, 121576-01 to 121576-14, 2020

76/ Chemistry of Nanostructures
Indole-3-carbaldehyde Semicarbazone Derivatives: Synthesis, Characterization, and Antibacterial Activities
F. Carrasco; W. Hernández; O. Chupayo; C.M. Álvarez; S. Oramas-Royo; E. Spodine; C. Tamariz-Angeles; P. Olivera-Gonzales; J.Z. Dávalos
10.1155/2020/7157281 Journal of Chemistry, 2020, 7157281 (9pp), 2020

75 /Chemistry of Nanostructures
Effect of Second-Sphere Interactions on the Magnetic Anisotropy of Lanthanide Single Molecule Magnets: Electrostatic Interactions and Supramolecular Contacts
Y. Gil; L. Llanos; P. Cancino; P. Fuentealba; A. Vega; E. Spodine; D. Aravena
10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b09234 Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124, 5308 to 5320, 2020

74/ Chemistry of Nanostructures
CHLSOC: the Chilean Soil Organic Carbon database, a multi-institutional collaborative effort
M. Pfeiffer; J. Padarian; R. Osorio; N. Bustamante; G. Federico Olmedo; M. Guevara; F. Aburto; F. Albornoz; M. Antilén; E. Araya; E. Arellano; M. Barret; J. Barrera; P. Boeckx; M. Briceño; S. Bunning; L. Cabrol; M. Casanova; P. Cornejo; F. Corradini; G. Curaqueo; S. Doetterl; P. Duran; M. Escudey; A. Espinoza; S. Francke; J.P. Fuentes; M. Fuentes; G. Gajardo; R. García; A. Gallaud; M. Galleguillos; A. Gomez; M. Hidalgo; J. Ivelic-Sáez; L. Mashalaba; F. Matus; F. Meza; M.L. Mora; J. Mora; C. Muñoz; P. Norambuena; C. Olivera; C. Ovalle; M. Panichini; A. Pauchard; J.F. Pérez-Quezada; S. Radic; J. Ramirez; N. Riveras; G. Ruiz; O. Salazar; I. Salgado; O. Seguel; M. Sepúlveda; C. Sierra; Y. Tapia; F. Tapia; B. Toledo; J.M. Torrico; S. Valle; R. Vargas; M. Wolff; E. Zagal
10.5194/essd-12-457-2020  Earth System Science Data12457468, 2020

73/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Wave reversal mode: A new magnetization reversal mechanism in magnetic nanotubes
S. Raviolo; D.M. Arciniegas Jaimes; N. Bajales; J. Escrig
10.1016/j.jmmm.2019.165944 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 497, 165944-1 to 165944-5, 2020

72/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Unusual behavior of the magnetization reversal process of interacting nanostructures with wire-tube morphology
D. Salazar-Aravena; J. Escrig; D. Laroze
10.1016/j.jmmm.2019.165935 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 497165935 (6pp), 2020

71/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Ultrafast domain wall propagation due to the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction
D. Mancilla-Almonacid; R. Jaeschke-Ubiergo; A.S. Núñez; S. Allende
10.1088/1361-6528/ab5f83 Nanotechnology, 31125707 (6pp), 2020

70/ Magnetic Nanostructures
The transition from double to single quantum dot induced by THz laser field
M.G. Barseghyan; H.M. Baghramyan; A.A. Kirakosyan; D. Laroze
10.1016/j.physe.2019.113758 Physica E-Low-dimensional Systems & Nanostructures 116113758 (4pp), 2020

69/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Stability of atomic-sized skyrmions in antiferromagnetic bilayers
R. Jaeschke-Ubiergo; A.S. Núñez
10.1016/j.aop.2019.03.009 Annals of Physics, 4052937, 2020

68/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Revisiting the adiabatic approximation for bound states calculation in axisymmetric and asymmetrical quantum structures
J.A. Vinasco; A. Radu; A. Tiutiunnyk; R.L. Restrepo; D. Laroze; E. Feddi; M.E. Mora-Ramos; A.L. Morales; C.A. Duque
10.1016/j.spmi.2019.106384 Superlattices and Microstructures, 138106384 (13pp), 2020

67/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Quasistatic and quantum-adiabatic Otto engine for a two-dimensional material,The case of a graphene quantum dot
F.J. Peña; D. Zambrano; O. Negrete; G De Chiara; P.A. Orellana; P. Vargas
10.1103/PhysRevE.101.012116 Physical Review E1010, 12116-10 to 12116-12, 2020

66/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Influence of conduction-band non-parabolicity on terahertz intersubband Raman gain in GaAs/InGaAs step asymmetric quantum wells
A. Tiutiunnyk; I. Pérez-Quintana; D. Laroze; C. A. Duque; M.E. Mora-Ramos
10.1007/s00339-019-3214-4 Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing, 12623 (8pp), 2020

65/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Hydrogen induced AFM to FM magnetic transition in epsilon-FeHx
A. León; E.A. Velásquez; F. Torres;  J. Mejía-Lopez; P. Vargas
10.1016/j.jmmm.2019.166147 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 498, 166147-1 to 166147-8, 2020

64Magnetic Nanostructures
Effective tuning of isotropic and anisotropic properties of quantum dots and rings by external fields
M.G.Barseghyan; A. Manaselyan; A.A. Kirakosyan; L.M. Pérez; D. Laroze
10.1016/j.physe.2019.113807  Physica E-Low-dimensional Systems & Nanostructures 117, 113807 (7pp), 2020

63/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Angular dependece of the magnetic properties of Permalloy nanowire arrays: A comparative analysis between experiment and simulation
S. Raviolo; A. Pereira; D. M. Arciniegas Jaimes; J. Escrig; N. Bajales
10.1016/j.jmmm.2019.166240 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 499, 166240-01 to 166240-07, 2020

62/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Alternative characterization of the nematic transition in deposition of rods on two-dimensional lattices
E.E. Vogel; G. Saravia; A.J. Ramirez-Pastor; M. Pasinetti
10.1103/PhysRevE.101.022104  Physical Review E1010, 22104-010 to 22104-12, 2020

Dynamical dimerization phase in Jaynes–Cummings lattices
R. Peña; F. Torres; G. Romero
10.1088/1367-2630/ab78b0 New Journal of Physics 220, 330334-10 to 330334-12, 2020

60/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Correlation between the concentration and morphology of copper microparticles and their biocidal effect on paper sheets
P. Contreras, A. Amenabar, V. Apablaza, J. Martínez, R. Lavín & N. Silva
10.1007/s10570-020-03085-x Cellulose 2747214743, 2020

59Chemistry of Nanostructures
A systematic study of the optical properties of mononuclear hybrid organo–inorganic lanthanoid complexes
Matias Zapata-Lizama, Patricio Hermosilla-Ibáñez, Diego Venegas-Yazigi, Guillermo Mínguez Espallargas, Lauro June Queiroz Maia, Gisane Gasparotto, Ricardo Costa De Santana, Walter Cañón-Mancisidor
10.1039/d0qi00232a Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers 730493062, 2020

58Simulations; Magnetic Nanostructures
Magnon valley Hall effect in CrI3-based van der Waals heterostructures
R. Hidalgo-Sacoto; R. I. Gonzalez; E. E. Vogel; S. Allende; José D. Mella; C. Cárdenas; Roberto E. Troncoso; F. Munoz
10.1103/PhysRevB.101.205425 Physical Review B101, 167045-1 to 167045-6, 2020

57/ Simulations; Magnetic Nanostructures
Imogolite in water: Simulating the effects of nanotube curvature on structure and dynamics
Rafael I González; Javier Rojas-Nunez; Felipe J Valencia; Francisco Munoz; Samuel E Baltazar; Sebastián Allende; José Rogan; Juan Alejandro Valdivia; Miguel Kiwi; Ricardo Ramírez; Jeffery A Greathouse
10.1016/j.clay.2020.105582 Applied Clay Science191105582 (7pp), 2020

56Magnetic Nanostructures; Packaging Technology
Effect of functionalized silica nanoparticles on the mass transfer process in active PLA nanocomposite films obtained by supercritical impregnation for sustainable food packaging
J. Sepulveda; C. Villegas; A. Torres; E. Vargas; F. Rodriguez; S. Baltazar; A. Prada; A. Rojas; J. Romero; S. Faba; M. J. Galotto
10.1016/j.supflu.2020.104844 Journal of Supercritical Fluids161104844,2020

TRPM7 mediates kidney injury, endothelial hyperpermeability and mortality during endotoxemia
Gatica S, Villegas V, Vallejos A, Olivares P, Aballai V, Lagos-Meza F, Echeverria C, Cabello-Verrugio C, Varela D, Simon F.
10.1038/s41374-019-0304-z Laboratory investigation100234249, 2020

Protective Effect of Angiotensin 1-7 on Sarcopenia Induced by Chronic Liver Disease in Mice
Aguirre F, Abrigo J, Gonzalez F, Gonzalez A, Simon F, Cabello-Verrugio C.
10.3390/ijms21113891 International Journal of Molecular Sciences 213891 (16pp), 2020

53/ Nanobiomedicine
Magnesium Salt; a Simple Strategy to Improve Methadone Analgesia in Chronic Pain: An Isobolographic Preclinical Study in Neuropathic Mice
Valeria González; Teresa Pelissier; Victoria Cazanga; Alejandro Hernández; Luis Constandil
10.3389/fphar.2020.00566 Frontiers in Pharmacology 11566 (10pp), 2020

Effect of bioglass nanoparticles on the properties and bioactivity of Poly (lactic acid) films
Canales D, Savedra M, Bejarano J, Ortiz JA, Orihuela PA, Alfaro A, Pabon E, Palza H, Zapata PA
10.1002/jbm.a.36963 Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A108, 2032 to 2043, 2020

Chitosan-based delivery of Avian Reovirus fusogenic protein p-10 Gene: in vitro and in vivo studies towards a new vaccine against melanoma
Claudia Robles-Planells; Carlos Barrera-Avalos; Leonel E. Rojo; Eugenio Spencer; Marcelo Cortez-San Martin; Silvia Matiacevich; Jorge Pavez; Luis A. Milla; Franco D. Navarro; Brandon A. Martínez; Francisco J. Bravo; Andrea Mella; Juan Pablo Huidobro-Toro; Ricardo Fernandez; Alejandro Escobar; Claudio Acuña Castillo
10.1155/2020/4045760 BioMed Research International20204045760(11pp)2020

Architecture of themolecules of life, a contribution of Louis Pasteur to molecular pharmacology; opportunities for adrenergic pharmacology developments
Morgane Bas; Felipe Hernández; J. Pablo Huidobro-Toro
10.5802/crchim.2 Comptes Rendus Chimie 23326, 2020

49/ Nanobiomedicine
Angiotensin (1-7) Decreases Myostatin-Induced NF-κB Signaling and Skeletal Muscle Atrophy.
Aravena J, Abrigo J, Gonzalez F, Aguirre F, Gonzalez A, Simon F, Cabello-Verrugio C.
10.3390/ijms21031167 International Journal of Molecular Sciences21 1167 1167, 2020

48/ Packaging Technology
The use of nanoadditives within recycled polymers for food packaging: Properties, recyclability, and safety
Carol López de Dicastillo; Eliezer Velásquez; Adrián Rojas; Abel Guarda; María José Galotto
10.1111/1541-4337.12575 Comprehensive reviews in food science and food safety 2020, 117, 2020

47/ Packaging Technology
Cucumis metuliferus Fruit Extract Loaded Acetate Cellulose Coatings for Antioxidant Active Packaging
Marina Patricia Arrieta; Luan Garrido; Simón Faba; Abel Guarda; María José Galotto; Carol López de Dicastillo
10.3390/polym12061248 / Polymers12, 1248-1 to 1248-19, 2020.

46/ Magnetic Nanostructures; Packaging Technology
Antimicrobial Bilayer Nanocomposites Based on the Incorporation of As-Synthetized Hollow Zinc Oxide Nanotubes
Carol Lopez de Dicastillo; Cristian Patiño; Irene Falcó; Gloria Sánchez; Paulina Márquez; Juan Escrig
10.3390/nano10030503 Nanomaterials10503, 2020

45/ Chemistry of Nanostructures
Physical properties of new ordered bimetallic phases M0.25Cd0.75PS3 (M = ZnII, NiII, CoII, MnII)
P. Fuentealba, C. Olea, H. Aguilar-Bolados, N. Audebrand, R. C. de Santana, C. Doerenkamp, H. Eckert, C. J. Magon, E. Spodine
10.1039/D0CP00631APhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22, 8315 to 8324, 2020

44/ Chemistry of Nanostructures
Enhancement of Terbium(III)-Centered Luminescence by Tuning the Triplet Energy Level of Substituted Pyridylamino-4-R-Phenoxo Tripodal Ligands
J. Manzur; C. Poblete; J. Morales; R. Costa de Santana; L. J. Queiroz Maia; A. Vega; P. Fuentealba; E. Spodine
10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c00023 Inorganic Chemistry 59, 5447- 5455, 2020

43/ Chemistry of Nanostructures
CuII and CoII MOFs. The relevance of physicochemical properties on the catalytic aerobic oxidation of cyclohexene
L. Santibañez, N. Escalona, J. Torres, C. Kremer, P. Cancino, E. Spodine
10.3390/catal10050589 Catalysts 2020, 10(5), 589

42/ Chemistry of Nanostructures
Chitosan coating of BaTiO3@ZnO:Yb heterostructures: synthesis and properties
S. Fuentes; J. León; J. L. Vega; S. Zenteno
10.1007/s10971-020-05329-5 Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 95, pages465–473(2020)

41/ Chemistry of Nanostructures
An amine linker group modulates luminescent properties in a Rhenium(I) tricarbonyl complex. How can it be applied for ratiometric oxygen sensing?, Dyes and Pigments, (2020) 107787. 
E. Valdés, M. Cepeda-Plaza, G. Günther, A. Vega, R. Palacios, M.L. Gomez, N. Pizarro
10.1016/j.dyepig.2019.107787 Dyes and Pigments 172107787 (9pp) 2020

40/ Chemistry of Nanostructures 
A Novel and Simple Route for Bromide Replacement in Pyrazolyl-Pyridazine ReI Tricarbonyl Complexes Leads to a Zwitterion Stabilized by Hydrogen Bonding
M. Saldías, P. Mella, N. Pizarro, A. Vega
10.1016/j.inoche.2019.107621 V Chemistry Communications111107621(4pp)2020

39/ Chemistry of Nanostructures
A comparison of multiparametric methods for the interpretation of solvent-dependent chemical processes
Carolina Aliaga; Moisés Domínguez; Pablo Rojas; Marcos Caroli Rezende
10.1016/j.molliq.2020.113362 Journal of Molecular Liquids312113362-1113362-82020

38/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Voltage- and temperature-dependent rare-earth dopant contribution to the interfacial magnetic anisotropy
Alejandro O Leon; Gerrit E W Bauer
10.1088/1361-648X/ab997c Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 32 404004 (8pp) 2020

37/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Transition from nonradiative to radiative oscillons in parametrically driven systems
Alejandro J. Alvarez-Socorro; Ernesto Berríos-Caro; Marcel G. Clerc; Alejandro O. Leon
10.1103/PhysRevE.101.052209 Physical Review E 101 52209, 2020

36/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Topological magnonics in the two-dimensional van der Waals magnetEsteban Aguilera, R. Jaeschke-Ubiergo, N. Vidal-Silva, Luis E. F. Foa Torres, A. S. Nunez
10.1103/PhysRevB.102.024409 Phys. Rev. B 102, 024409, 2020

35/ Magnetic Nanostructures
The spatial–temporal total friction coefficient of the fault viewed from the perspective of seismo-electromagnetic theory
Patricio Venegas-Aravena, Enrique G. Cordaro, David Laroze
10.5194/nhess-20-1485-2020 Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 20, 1485-1496, 2020

34/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Teaching labs for blind students: equipment to measure the thermal expansion coefficient of a metal
O Negrete, A Lisboa, F J Peña, C O Dib, P Vargas
10.1088/1361-6404/ab7c6b European Journal of Physics 4135704 (9pp) 2020

33/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Strain-induced phase transition in CrI3 bilayers
Andrea M. León; J.W. González; J. Mejía-López; F. Crasto de Lima; E. Suárez Morell
10.1088/2053-1583/ab8268 2D Materials7 35008-1 to 35008-7, 2020

32/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Single-phase and binary phase nanogranular ferrites for magnetic hyperthermia application
Prabhakaran Thandapani, Mangalaraja Ramalinga Viswanathan, Marcus Vinícius-Araújo,Andris F. Bakuzis, Fanny Béron, Arun Thirumurugan, Juliano C. Denardin, Jose A. Jiménez, Ali Akbari-Fakhrabadi.
10.1111/jace.17175 Journal of the American Ceramic Society 0112, 2020

31/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Shifts in the skyrmion stabilization due to curvature effects in dome- and antidome-shaped surfaces
Vagson L. Carvalho-Santos, R. M. Corona, D. Altbir, and S. Castillo-Sepúlveda
10.1103/PhysRevB.102.024444 Physical Review B10224444-124444-72020

30/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Pyramidal core-shell quantum dot under applied electric and magnetic fields
J.A. Osorio, D. Caicedo-Paredes, J.A.Vinasco, A. L. Morales, A. Radu, R. L. Restrepo, J. C. Martínez-Orozco, A.Tiutiunnyk, D. Laroze, Nguyen N. Hieu, HuynhV. Phuc, M. E. Mora-Ramos, C.A. Duque
10.1038/s41598-020-65442-x Scientific Reports 108961 (14pp) 2020

29/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Phase-shift control of the exchange coupling between magnetic impurities
Jose d'Albuquerque e Castro, Dora Altbir, Alejandro O Leon, Juan C Retamal

28/  Magnetic Nanostructures
Otto Engine: Classical and Quantum Approach
Francisco J. Peña, Oscar Negrete, Natalia Cortés, Patricio Vargas
10.3390/e22070755  Entropy 22755( 11pp) 2020

27/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Optimization of group size in pool testing strategy for SARS‐CoV‐2: A simple mathematical model
Diego Aragón‐Caqueo, Javier Fernández‐Salinas, David Laroze
10.1002/jmv.25929 Journal of Medical Virology 2020 172020

26/ Magnetic Nanostructures 
Nonlocal chiral symmetry breaking in curvilinear magnetic shells
Denis D. Sheka, Oleksandr V. Pylypovskyi, Pedro Landeros, Yuri Gaididei, Attila Kákay, Denys Makarov 
10.1038/s42005-020-0387-2 Communications Physics3128-1128-22020

25/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Permalloy nanowires/graphene oxide composite with enhanced conductive propertiesD. M. Arciniegas Jaimes, P. Márquez, A. Ovalle, J. Escrig, O. Linarez Pérez, N. Bajales
10.1038/s41598-020-70512-1 Scientific Reports1013742 (13pp) 2020

24/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Magnetic Porous Controlled Fe3O4–Chitosan Nanostructure: An Ecofriendly Adsorbent for Efficient Removal of Azo Dyes
Tiago M. Freire, Lillian M. U. D. Fechine, Danilo C. Queiroz, Rafael M. Freire, Juliano C. Denardin, Nágila M. P. S. Ricardo, Thaina N. B. Rodrigues, Diego R. Gondim, Ivanildo J. S. Junior and Pierre B. A. Fechine 
10.3390/nano10061194 Nanomaterials 101194 (25pp) 2020

23/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Magnetic ground states for bent nanotubes
D. Mancilla-Almonacid, M.A. Castro, J.M. Fonseca, D. Altbir, S. Allende,
V.L. Carvalho-Santosb
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials507166754(8pp)2020

22/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Lipase From Rhizomucor miehei Immobilized on Magnetic Nanoparticles: Performance in Fatty Acid Ethyl Ester (FAEE) Optimized Production by the Taguchi Method
Katerine da S. Moreira, André L. B. de Oliveira, Lourembergue S. de M. Júnior, Rodolpho R. C. Monteiro, Thays N. da Rocha, Fernando L. Menezes, Lillian M. U. D. Fechine, Juliano C. Denardin, Sebastian Michea, Rafael M. Freire, Pierre B. A. Fechine, Maria C. M. Souza and José C. S. dos Santos
10.3389/fbioe.2020.00693  Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology8693(17pp)2020

21/Magnetic nanostructures 
LiM0.5Mn1.5O4-delta (M = Co or Fe) spinels with a high oxidation state obtained by ultrasound-assisted thermal decomposition of nitrates. Characterization and physicochemical properties
D. Alburquenque; P. Márquez; L. Troncoso; A. Pereira; F. Celis; M. Sánchez-Arenillas; J. F. Marco; J. L. Gautier; J. Escrig
10.1016/j.jssc.2020.121175 Journal of Solid State Chemistry 284121175121175, 2020

20/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Irreversible multilayer adsorption of semirigid k-mers deposited on one-dimensional lattices
N. De La Cruz Félix, P. M. Centres, A. J. Ramirez-Pastor, E.E. Vogel, J. F. Valdés
Physical Review E102012106-1012106-112020

In vitro biosynthesis of Ag, Au and Te-containing nanostructures by Exiguobacterium cell-free extracts
Javier Orizola, Mirtha Ríos-Silva, Claudia Muñoz-Villagrán, Esteban Vargas, Claudio Vásquez, Felipe Arenas
10.1186/s12896-020-00625-y  BMC Biotechnology2029 (12pp) 2020

18/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Formation of Hollow Gold Nanocrystals by Nanosecond Laser Irradiation
Guillermo González-Rubio, Thais Milagres de Oliveira, Wiebke Albrecht, Pablo Díaz-Núñez, Juan Carlos Castro-Palacio, Alejandro Prada, Rafael I González, Leonardo Scarabelli, Luis Banares, Antonio Rivera, Luis M Liz-Marzán, Ovidio Peña-Rodríguez, Sara Bals, Andrés Guerrero-Martínez
10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b03574 Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11670677, 2020

17/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Forecasting and analysis of nonlinear optical responses by tuning the thickness of a doped hollow cylindrical quantum dot
M. Kria; M. El-Yadria; N. Aghoutane; L.M. Pérez; D. Laroze; E. Feddi
10.1016/j.cjph.2020.05.016  Chinese Journal of Physics 66444452, 2020

16/ Magnetic Nanostructures
First order reversal curve Hall analysis of zero-field skyrmions on Pt/Co/Ta multilayers
D Toneto, R B da Silva, L S Dorneles, F Beron, S Oyarzun, J C Denardin
10.1088/1361-6463/ab95be  Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics53395001 (7pp), 2020

15/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Effect of the Generation of PAMAM Dendrimers on the Stabilization of Gold Nanoparticles
Fabián Avila-Salas, Rafael I. González, Paulina L. Ríos, Ingrid Araya-Durán, María B. Camarada
10.1021/acs.jcim.0c00052  Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 60 2966- 2976, 2020

14/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Domain walls in curved thin surfaces
S. Castillo-Sepúlvedaa, R.M. Corona, P. Landeros, D. Altbir
10.1016/j.jmmm.2019.166322 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 500166322 (4pp) 2020

13/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Combining dipolar and anisotropic contributions to properly describe the magnetic properties of magnetic nanoparticles real systems
Américo Cuchilloa; Patricia Rivas-Rojas; Pablo Tancredi; Leandro M. Socolovsky; Patricio Vargas
10.1016/j.jmmm.2020.166842 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 508166842 (8pp) 2020

12/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Chaotic convection in an Oldroyd viscoelastic fluid in saturated porous medium with feedback control
M. N. Mahmud,  Z. Siri, J. A. Vélez, L. M. Pérez, D. Laroze
10.1063/5.0002846  Chaos 300, 73109-10 to 73109-13, 2020

11/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Küppers-Lortz instability in the rotating Brinkman-Benard problem
P. G. Siddheshwar; C. Siddabasappa; D. Laroze
10.1007/s11242-020-01401-4 Transport in Porous Media 132 465- 493, 2020

10/ Simulations
Using a system dynamics model to study the obesity transition by socioeconomic status in Colombia at the country; regional; and department level
J. D. Meisel; A. M. Ramirez; V. Esguerra; F. Montes; I. Stankov; O. L. Sarmiento; J. A. Valdivia
10.1136/bmjopen-2019-036534  BMJ Open10e036534(11pp)2020

9/ Simulations
Understanding the Stability of Hollow Nanoparticles with Polycrystalline ShellsFelipe J. Valencia; Max Ramírez; Alejandro Varas; José Rogan 
10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c00258  Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124, 10143- 10149, 2020

8/ Simulations
Predicting Deprotonation Sites Using Alchemical Derivatives
Macarena Muñoz; Andrés Robles-Navarro; Patricio Fuentealba; Carlos Cárdenas
10.1021/acs.jpca.9b09472 Journal of Physical Chemistry A124375437602020

7/ Simulations
On the chemical potential of the hydrogen atom
Fuentealba, P., Cárdenas, C
10.1007/s00214-020-02611-1  Theoretical Chemistry Accounts139106 (3pp) 2020

6/ Simulations
Obesity relates to the impairment of pancreatic β-cell function in early adulthood, independent of age at obesity onset: findings from the Santiago Longitudinal Study
Raquel Burrows, Paulina Correa, Daniel Bunout, Gladys Barrera, José Rogan, Elissa Kim, Estela Blanco, Sheila Gahaga
10.1002/dmrr.3371  Diabetes-Metabolism Research and Reviews 2020 e 3371(11pp) 2020

5/ Simulations
Nanoindentation of polycrystalline Pd hollow nanoparticles: Grain size role
Felipe J. Valencia, Benjamín Pinto, Miguel Kiwi, Carlos J. Ruestes, Eduardo M. Bringa, José Rogan
10.1016/j.commatsci.2020.109642  Computational Materials Science1791 09642-109642-7, 2020

4/ Simulations 
Highly porous tungsten for plasma facing applications in nuclear fusion power plants: a computational analysis of hollow nanoparticles
Pablo Díaz-Rodríguez, Francisco Munoz, José Rogan, Ignacio Martín-Bragado, J.M. Perlado, Ovidio Peña-Rodríguez, Antonio Rivera, Felipe J. Valencia
10.1088/1741-4326/aba092 Nuclear Fusion 6096017 (14pp) 2020

3/ Simulations
Electronic structure of first and second row atoms under harmonic confinement
Andrés Robles Navarro; Patricio Fuentealba; Francisco Munoz; Carlos Cárdenas
10.1002/qua.26132  International Journal of Quatum Chemistry 120 e 26132 (9pp) 2020

2/ Simulations
Does Following Optimized Routes for Single Cars Improve Car Routing?
Sebastián Carrasco, Pablo Medina, José Rogan, Juan Alejandro Valdivia
10.1063/1.5145309  Chaos 30 063148-1 to 063148-8, 2020

1/  Simulations
Computing the Fukui Function in Solid-State Chemistry: Application to Alkaline Earth Oxides Bulk and Surfaces
M. L. Cerón; T. Gomez; M. Calatayud; C. Cárdenas
10.1021/acs.jpca.0c00950Journal of Physical Chemistry A12428262833 2020

Nanociencia en fotos

Sintetizada a partir de alcóxidos de vanadio, esta nanoestructura tiende a ser esférica, aunque se trata de nanotubos densamente aglomerados similar a un erizo de mar. Posee propiedades electroquímicas y comportamiento paramagnético.
Impresión de nanovolcanes
Impresión de nanovolcanes
Lámina de material metálico que se depositó sobre una superficie porosa, al despegarla presenta la impresión de diminutos volcanes.
Nanohilos de Cobalto
Nanohilos de Cobalto
Hilos nanométricos creados por electrodeposición en una membrana de alumina cubierta por plata. Al retirar la alúmina, los nanohilos se fijan a la base de plata y al ser de cobalto, presentan propiedades magnéticas.
Autora: R. Abarca, Cedenna.
Masterbatch dotado con propiedades antifúngicas
Masterbatch dotado con propiedades antifúngicas
Rebeldía de las magnetizaciones
Rebeldía de las magnetizaciones
Simulación de orientaciones magnéticas en un imán cilíndrico con un segmento sólido a la izquierda y un segmento tubular a la derecha.
Rebeldía de las magnetizaciones
Rebeldía de las magnetizaciones
Simulación de orientaciones magnéticas en un imán cilíndrico con un segmento sólido a la izquierda y un segmento tubular a la derecha.
Textura de una aleación magnética que se logra de la mezcla de hierro y níquel en proporción 20 y 80 respectivamente, depositada por pulverización catódica sobre un polímero.
Estrella de Vanadio
Estrellas de vanadio
Nanoestructuras simétricas con forma de engranajes dentados o estrellas. Sus seis pliegues rotacionales simétricos presentan longitudes a escalas nanométricas.
Campos magnéticos coloridos
Campos magnéticos coloridos
El patrón de colores muestra la forma del campo magnético de dos imanes permanentes sobre una pantalla de TV antigua.