Publicaciones 2022

30/ Chemistry of Nanostructures
Solvent Effects on the Molecular Structure of Isolated Lignins of Eucalyptus nitens Wood and Oxidative Depolymerization to Phenolic Chemicals.
Robinson Rozas, Nicolás Aspée, Camila Negrete-Vergara, Diego Venegas-Yazigi, Marlen Gutiérrez-Cutiño, Sergio A.Moya, CésarZúñiga, Plinio Cantero-López, Jorge Luengo, Raúl Gonzalez, Julio Romero , Mauricio Yáñez-S
10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2022.109973  / Polymer Degradation and Stability

29/ Nanobiomedicine
IMT504 blocks allodynia in rats with spared nerve injury by promoting the migration of mesenchymal stem cells and by favoring an anti-inflammatory milieu at the injured nerve
Casadei M, Fiore E, Rubione J, Dominguez LM, Coronel MF, Leiguarda C, Garcia M, Mazzolini G, Villar MJ, Montaner A, Constandil L, Romero-Sandoval EA, Brumovsky PR.
0.1097/j.pain.0000000000002476 / PAIN
VOL 163, 1114

28/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Detailed examination of domain wall types, their widths and critical diameters in cylindrical magnetic nanowires
R.Moreno, V.L.Carvalho-Santos, D.Altbir, O.Chubykalo-Fesenko
VOL 542, 168495

27/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Dynamic susceptibility of a Bloch point singularity confined in a magnetic nanowire
Guidobeth Sáez, Eduardo Saavedra, Nicolás Vidal-Silva, Juan Escrig, Eugenio E. Vogel
10.1016/j.rinp.2022.105530 / Results in Physics
VOL 37, 105530

26/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Large-area nanopillar arrays by glancing angle deposition with tailored magnetic properties
Elena Navarro, María Ujué González, Fanny Béron, Felipe Tejo, Juan Escrig and José Miguel García-Martín
10.3390/nano12071186 / Nanomaterials
VOL 12, 1186

25/ Magnetic Nanostructures
High spin-wave asymmetry and emergence of radial standing modes in thick ferromagnetic nanotubes
R. A. Gallardo, P. Alvarado-Seguel, P. Landeros
10.1103/PhysRevB.105.104435 / Physical Review B
VOL 105, 104435-1

24/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Electronic, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of Doped     
Triangular MoS2 Quantum Dots: A Density Functional Theory Approach
Anton Tiutiunnyk, Alvaro L. Morales, Ramon Bertel, Ricardo L. Restrepo, Flavio M. Nava-Maldonado, Juan C. Martínez-Orozco, David Laroze, Carlos A. Duque, Julian D. Correa, and Miguel Eduardo Mora-Ramos
VOL B, 2100509-1

23/ Magnetic Nanostructures
First Study on the Electronic and Donor Atom Properties of the Ultra-Thin Nanoflakes Quantum Dots

Laaziz Belamkadem,  Omar Mommadi, Reda Boussetta, Mohamed Chnafi, Juán A. Vinasco, David Laroze, Laura M. Pérez, Abdelaziz El Moussaouy, Yahya M. Meziani, Esin Kasapoglu, Viktor Tulupenko and Carlos A. Duque
10.3390/nano12060966 / Nanomaterials
VOL 12, 996

22/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Influence of curvature on the dynamical susceptibility of bent nanotubes
E. Saavedra, S. Castillo-Sepúlveda, R.M. Corona, D. Altbir, J. Escrig
10.1016/j.rinp.2022.105290 / Results in Physics
VOL 35, 105290

21/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Wave reversal mode in permalloy wire-tube nanostructures theoretical study
Diana M. Arciniegas Jaimes,  Martín I. Broens,  Eduardo Saavedra,  Noelia Bajales Luna, and Juan Escrig
10.1063/9.0000312 / AIP Advances
VOL 12, 035044-1

20/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Otto Engine for the q-State Clock Model
Michel Angelo Aguilera, Francisco José Peña, Oscar Andrés Negrete and Patricio Vargas
10.3390/e24020268 / Entropy
VOL 24, 268

19/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Localization Properties of a Quasiperiodic Ladder under Physical Gain and Loss: Tuning of Critical Points, Mixed-Phase Zone and Mobility Edge
Souvik Roy , Santanu K. Maiti, Laura M. Pérez, Judith Helena Ojeda Silva and David Laroze
10.3390/ma15020597 / Materials
VOL 15, 597

18/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Study of Rayleigh–Bénard convection in a chemically reactive fluid using a generalized Lorenz model and the cubic–quintic Ginzburg–Landau equation
C. Kanchana, D. Laroze and P. G. Siddheshwar
10.1063/5.0081060 / Physics of Fluids
VOL 34, 0236070-1

17/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Polaronic corrections on magnetization and thermodynamic properties of electron–electron in 2D systems with Rashba spin–orbit couplingK. Lakaal, M. Kria  J. El Hamdaoui, Varsha, V. Prasad, Vijit V. Nautiyal, M. El-Yadri, L.M. Pérez, D. Laroze, E. Feddi
10.1016/j.jmmm.2022.169042 / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic MaterialsVOL 551, 169042


16/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Natural convection of a binary liquid in cylindrical porous annuli/rectangular porous enclosures with cross-diffusion effects under local thermal non-equilibrium state
K.M. Lakshmi, D. Laroze, P.G. Siddheshwar
10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2021.122294 / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, VOL. 184, 122294                                            


15/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Hollow structures of TinOm systems with m ≈ 2n: A density functional theoretical study
F. Aguilera-Granja, J.M. Montejano-Carrizales, E.E. Vogel, Juan Escrig
10.1016/j.jpcs.2022.110646 / Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, VOL. 164,

14/ Chemistry of Nanostructures
Copper/Silver Bimetallic Nanoparticles Supported on Aluminosilicate Geomaterials as Antibacterial Agents
Edgardo Cruces, Nicolas Arancibia-Miranda, Karen Manquian-Cerda, François Perreault, Nanthi Bolan, Manuel Ignacio Azocar, Victor Cubillos, Jaime Montory, Maria Angelica Rubio, and Binoy Sarkar
10.1021/acsanm.1c04031 / ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS, VOL. 5,1472

13/ Computational Simulations
Evolution of random initial magnetic fields in stably stratified and barotropic stars
L. Becerra, A. Reisenegger, J. A. Valdivia, M. E. Gusakov
10.1093/mnras/stac102 / Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,VOL. 511,732

12/ Magnetic Nanostructures
High-temperature phonon-mediated superconductivity in monolayer Mg2B4C2
Sobhit Singh, Aldo H. Romero, José D. Mella, Vitalie Eremeev, Enrique Muñoz, Anastassia N. Alexandrova, Karin M. Rabe, David Vanderbilt, and Francisco Muñoz
10.1038/s41535-022-00446-6 / npj Quantum Materials, VOL.7, 37

11/ Computational Simulations; Magnetic Nanostructures
Nanoindentation of nanoporous tungsten: A molecular dynamics approach
Felipe J. Valencia, Robinson Ortega, Rafael I. González, Eduardo M. Bringa, Miguel Kiwi, Carlos J. Ruestes
10.1016/j.commatsci.2022.111336 / Computational Materials Science, VOL. 209,

10/ Computational Simulations; Magnetic Nanostructures
Inducing a topological transition in graphene nanoribbon superlattices by external strain
Esteban Flores, José D. Mella, Emiliano Aparicio, Rafael I. Gonzalez, Eduardo M. Bringa y Francisco Munoz.
10.1039/d2cp00038e /Computational Materials Science, VOL. 24, 7134

9/ Packaging Technology
Supercritical Foaming and Impregnation of Polycaprolactone and Polycaprolactone-Hydroxyapatite Composites with Carvacrol
Alina Satpayeva, Adrián Rojas, Marcin Tyrka , Ewelina Ksepko, María José Galotto, Irena Zizovic
10.3390/pr10030482 / Processes, VOL. 2, 482

8/ Packaging Technology
Foaming with scCO2 and Impregnation with Cinnamaldehyde of PLA Nanocomposites for Food Packaging
Adrián Rojas, Alejandra Torres, Carol López de Dicastillo, Eliezer Velásquez, Carolina Villegas, Simón Faba, Patricia Rivera,  Abel Guarda, Julio Romero, María José Galotto
10.3390/pr10020376 / Processes, VOL.10, 376

7/Packaging Technology
Development of inclusion complexes with relative humidity responsive capacity as novel antifungal agents for active food packaging.
Cristina Muñoz-Shugulí, Francisco Rodríguez-Mercado, Carolina Mascayano, Andrea Herrera, Julio E. Bruna, Abel Guarda, and María J. Galotto
10.3389/fnut.2021.799779 / Frontiers in Nutrition, VOL.8, 799779

6/ Packaging Technology
Development of an antibacterial coaxial bionanocomposite based on electrospun core/shell fibers loaded with ethyl lauroyl arginate and cellulose nanocrystals for active food packaging
Cristian Patiño Vidal,  Eliezer Velásquez, María José Galotto,Carol López de Dicastillo
10.1016/j.fpsl.2021.100802 / Food Packaging and Shelf Life, VOL 31, 100802, 01/03/2022

5/Computational Simulations
Spontaneous Magnetic Fluctuations and Collisionless Regulation of Turbulence in the Earth's Magnetotail
C. M. Espinoza, P. S. Moya, M. Stepanova , J. A. Valdivia, R. E. Navarro
10.3847/1538-4357/ac33a2 / Astrophysical Journal, VOL 924, 8, 01/01/2022

4/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Seebeck and Nernst effects in topological insulator: The case of strained HgTe
Francisco J. Peña, Oscar Negrete, Ning Mac, Patricio Vargas, M. Reis, Leandro R.F. Lima
10.1016/j.physb.2021.413521 / Physica B-Condensed Matter, VOL 627 , 413521, 15/02/2022

3/ Chemistry of Nanostructures
Non-covalent interactions in hexanuclear polyoxidometalates [V(6)(IV)B(20)O(50)H8](8-) An experimental and theoretical approach
Karina Muñoz-Becerra, Kerry Wrighton-Araneda, Eric Le Fur, Jean-Yves Saillard, Samia Kahlal, OlivierCador, Veronica Paredes-Garcia, Diego Venegas-Yazigi
10.1016/j.poly.2021.115553 / POLYHEDRON, VOL 211; 115553, 01/01/2022

2/ Computational Simulations
Deexcitation rate coefficients of C3 by collision with H2 at low temperatures
Santander, C., Denis-Alpizar, O., Cardenas, C
10.1051/0004-6361/202142434 / Astronomy & Astrophysics, VOL 657, A55, 01/01/2022

1/ Magnetic Nanostructures
Dynamic susceptibility spectra of stadium-shaped and elliptical nanostructures
Saavedra, E.; Palma, J.L.; Escrig, J.

10.1016/j.jmmm.2021.168493 / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, VOL 541, 168493, 01/01/2022

Nanociencia en fotos

Rebeldía de las magnetizaciones
Rebeldía de las magnetizaciones
Simulación de orientaciones magnéticas en un imán cilíndrico con un segmento sólido a la izquierda y un segmento tubular a la derecha.
Estrella de Vanadio
Estrellas de vanadio
Nanoestructuras simétricas con forma de engranajes dentados o estrellas. Sus seis pliegues rotacionales simétricos presentan longitudes a escalas nanométricas.
Nanohilos de Cobalto
Nanohilos de Cobalto
Hilos nanométricos creados por electrodeposición en una membrana de alumina cubierta por plata. Al retirar la alúmina, los nanohilos se fijan a la base de plata y al ser de cobalto, presentan propiedades magnéticas.
Sintetizada a partir de alcóxidos de vanadio, esta nanoestructura tiende a ser esférica, aunque se trata de nanotubos densamente aglomerados similar a un erizo de mar. Posee propiedades electroquímicas y comportamiento paramagnético.
Campos magnéticos coloridos
Campos magnéticos coloridos
El patrón de colores muestra la forma del campo magnético de dos imanes permanentes sobre una pantalla de TV antigua.
Autora: R. Abarca, Cedenna.
Masterbatch dotado con propiedades antifúngicas
Masterbatch dotado con propiedades antifúngicas
Rebeldía de las magnetizaciones
Rebeldía de las magnetizaciones
Simulación de orientaciones magnéticas en un imán cilíndrico con un segmento sólido a la izquierda y un segmento tubular a la derecha.
Impresión de nanovolcanes
Impresión de nanovolcanes
Lámina de material metálico que se depositó sobre una superficie porosa, al despegarla presenta la impresión de diminutos volcanes.
Textura de una aleación magnética que se logra de la mezcla de hierro y níquel en proporción 20 y 80 respectivamente, depositada por pulverización catódica sobre un polímero.