ProNano will have two versions this year

Submitted by carmen.ibarra on Mon, 01/23/2023 - 21:25

Two versions will be held this year by ProNano, the training workshop for secondary school teachers that CEDENNA has traditionally offered once a year. Now we will have a version in the first semester, already scheduled for Thursday, March 2, and another for the second semester of 2023.

This, due to the various requests that our center has received from different entities, including municipalities, schools and teachers; but also in response to CEDENNA's mission to contribute to training in nanoscience and nanotechnology in the country.

The day of March 2 will have the participation of teachers from schools in the communes of Estación Central and Santiago, in collaboration with the municipalities of both. Teachers from regions will also participate, who will be summoned through the Explora Program, and teachers from Corporación Aprender schools, whose objective is to provide quality education in sectors of high social vulnerability.

Teachers will participate throughout the morning in a cycle of talks offered by researchers from the center. During the afternoon, they will visit different laboratories to learn firsthand how nanoscience is worked in Chile, even participating in some experiments and developments led by researchers from different areas (nanoparticle synthesis, nanomedicine, nanosafety, packaging manufacturing with nanotechnology, electron microscopy, etc.).


Nanoscience Photos

Autora: R. Abarca, Cedenna.
Nanohilos de Cobalto
Estrella de Vanadio
Impresión de nanovolcanes
Rebeldía de las magnetizaciones
Campos magnéticos coloridos
Rebeldía de las magnetizaciones