CEDENNA Center has already begun to distribute calendars to educational establishments throughout Chile

Submitted by olabrin on Thu, 04/04/2024 - 19:29
calendarios 2024

As is tradition, the CEDENNA Center begins the delivery of 2024 calendars throughout the country. These copies highlight images created by researchers, students and technological developers from our center, with the aim of educating and increasing the visibility of scientific work in an entertaining way, mixing art and science.

With the aim of enriching the national scientific culture and allowing communities of all types to appreciate and understand the importance and impact of nanoscience and nanotechnology, these calendars have been distributed in different schools in the capital, so that, in this way, Students can get closer to the world of nanotechnology.

Nanoscience Photos

Autora: R. Abarca, Cedenna.
Nanohilos de Cobalto
Estrella de Vanadio
Impresión de nanovolcanes
Rebeldía de las magnetizaciones
Campos magnéticos coloridos
Rebeldía de las magnetizaciones