The "Images of the Nanomundo" Exhibition as an instrument of dissemination that unites science and art to bring nanoscience and nanotechnology closer to audiences of all ages, was the topic addressed by the director of CEDENNA, Dr. Dora Altbir, in the interview that made by the journalist Catalina Palma in the program +100Cia of Canal 13.
The scientist, winner of the 2019 National Prize for Exact Sciences, highlighted that behind this beauty that exists in the nanouniverse -which in this exhibition is revealed through a wide range of colors- "there are many practical things, since each of these Particles have a specific use, for example to remove arsenic from water, to improve the quality of food packaging, to absorb oxygen so that food does not oxidize and last longer, in a mining sensor or to detect pathogens in food ".
"We want to show that this world is tremendously useful and important for development, but also infinitely beautiful," he said.
He said that the exhibition will tour different regions of the country in the coming months. The digital book can be downloaded for free from the website
We invite you to watch the full interview at the following link: