CEDENNA Foundation and Bernardo O'Higgins University sign collaboration agreement

Submitted by olabrin on Tue, 10/17/2023 - 18:15


  • Researchers from both institutions are already working together on the characterization and identification of rare earths, a project that they hope will obtain funding from Fondef.

Strengthening collaboration with different institutions that carry out cutting-edge research and technology is one of the objectives of the collaboration agreement signed between the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Center Foundation (CEDENNA) and the Bernardo O “Higgins University (UBO).

In a ceremony, held at the UBO Cultural Extension Center, the rector of this university, Dr. Claudio Ruff, and the executive director of the CEDENNA Foundation, the National Prize for Exact Sciences Dr. Dora Altbir, signed this agreement that will enhance the joint work that had already begun informally with the collaborative work between researchers from both institutions. The day was attended by authorities from the two entities who, after the signing, toured the center's facilities and the “Casa de la Lectura”, also located on Fabrica Street.

“Researchers from CEDENNA and Bernardo “O’Higgins University are working together on the characterization and identification of rare earths. We hope that this project will be financed by the Scientific and Technological Development Promotion Fund, Fondef, and thus begin this agreement with a concrete result,” announced Dr. Altbir.

“Cooperation between institutions like ours allows us to combine our strengths, share knowledge and resources, and address problems and challenges more effectively. You will agree with me that in an era in which the challenges we face are increasingly complex and the questions we must answer are deeper, collaboration becomes an invaluable asset. No one, no organization alone, has all the answers, nor the necessary resources to address the most pressing problems in isolation,” the scientist said.

Meanwhile, Rector Ruff highlighted that the signing of this agreement is very relevant both for both institutions and for the community and the country as a whole, through the benefits that will arise thanks to the collaborative work that is already being developed.

The purpose of the agreement is to establish and regulate joint collaboration in the execution of research, development and innovation projects in areas of common interest, whether through public or private funds or sponsored by both institutions.

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Autora: R. Abarca, Cedenna.
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