International visit highlights intense collaboration between France and Chile

Submitted by olabrin on Tue, 07/30/2024 - 17:53
Francia - Chile

Dr. Eric Le Fur, Professor at the University of Rennes (France), member of the prestigious “École”, the Higher School of Chemistry of that institution, had an intense week of work in Chile with the Cedenna-Usach researcher Dr. . Diego Venegas, with whom he has been carrying out joint research for years that is part of the scientific efforts of both countries.

The project is part of a line of Franco-Chilean scientific cooperation in the field of inorganic chemistry that has emerged rapidly since 1991 through numerous bilateral research programs. It was renewed in 2022 as the current international research project “Cooperation in Inorganic Chemistry” (IRP CoopIC, 2022-2026), an ongoing scientific collaboration involving around twenty permanent members from each side.

“It is not a collaboration between countries of different levels of development. In this matter, Chile and France are at the same level of research thanks to the joint knowledge obtained through this interaction,” emphasizes Le Fur.

Currently, the work they carry out is solid state chemistry and photo degradation, however, they are also resuming a previous line of research in vanadates, topics on which both have published numerous texts.

“IRP is important because it allows us to travel to Chile and its researchers to visit us in France to work together. For the Scientific Research Center of France, it is very relevant that there is collaboration between several countries and that allows us to apply for joint projects to develop lines of work like this one. As I said, it is no longer about transferring knowledge, but rather about scientific development between peers who have many possibilities of continuing to evolve and combining different knowledge that makes an even greater contribution to the same line of research.”

Currently, thanks to the IRP, the University of Rennes in France and the universities of Santiago, Chile, Talca, the PUCV, the UNAB and the UBO work together.

Nanoscience Photos

Rebeldía de las magnetizaciones
Impresión de nanovolcanes
Autora: R. Abarca, Cedenna.
Estrella de Vanadio
Campos magnéticos coloridos
Rebeldía de las magnetizaciones
Nanohilos de Cobalto