Venezuelan researcher carried out a research internship at CEDENNA funded by the Academy of Sciences of Latin America

Submitted by olabrin on Tue, 09/10/2024 - 15:44

For almost three months, Jesús Núñez Rengel, a Venezuelan researcher and doctoral student at the Institute of Biomedicine and Applied Sciences of the Universidad de Oriente, developed a research internship at the Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (CEDENNA) at the University of Santiago de Chile. This valuable exchange was possible thanks to funding from the Latin American Academy of Sciences and the Richard Lounsbery Foundation, based in Washington.

Núñez's stay at CEDENNA was part of his doctoral training, focused on the synthesis of coordination compounds. “We created precursors linked to vanadium clusters. Subsequently, these precursors were functionalized with organic compounds and characterized by various spectroscopic methods, also including X-ray diffraction,” explained Núñez.

A fundamental objective of this research was to coordinate these compounds with lanthanide ions to improve their magnetic properties, thus opening new application possibilities in the field of magnetic materials. This project is part of the activities of the Laboratory of Molecular Magnetism and Molecular Materials of CEDENNA, where Núñez had the supervision and guidance of the team led by Dr. Diego Venegas Yazigi.

Dr. Venegas Yazigi highlighted Núñez's contribution to the laboratory: “Jesús has been a great contribution, this is his second stay here, and he has proven to be a very intelligent and capable person, with a remarkable ability for chemical synthesis, which It is essential for a good materials chemist.” Furthermore, the Chilean researcher expressed his hope that Núñez will continue his academic development and return to Chile in the future to collaborate on more research projects at CEDENNA.

For his part, Núñez expressed his gratitude to Chile, USACH and CEDENNA for the opportunity to advance his research in an environment that gave him access to high-tech equipment and a group of top-level researchers. “I will always think about returning,” he commented, underlining the positive impact that this experience has had on his professional training and his desire to continue collaborating with CEDENNA in the future.


Nanoscience Photos

Impresión de nanovolcanes
Estrella de Vanadio
Rebeldía de las magnetizaciones
Rebeldía de las magnetizaciones
Campos magnéticos coloridos
Nanohilos de Cobalto
Autora: R. Abarca, Cedenna.