National History Prize 2024, Dr. César Ross gives a talk to Campus students

Submitted by olabrin on Mon, 11/11/2024 - 15:51

Usach al Día highlights the talk given last Thursday, October 24, by the 2024 National History Prize winner, Dr. César Ross Orellana, within the framework of the sixth day of the Seminar Cycles that the Center for Nanoscience and Technology is carrying out monthly. Nanotechnology (Cedenna-Usach).

“My line of research is focused on international economic history, where history, international relations and international political economy converge. The underlying issue addressed in this seminar with University students lies in explaining international relations in a context characterized by symmetry in the levels of development of countries, which conditions the performance of foreign policies and international relations. subsequent ones,” commented Dr. Ross, after finishing his presentation.

Read the full note FROM HERE

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Autora: R. Abarca, Cedenna.