Latest advances in quantum computing at the “QuSantiago” Summer School

Submitted by carmen.ibarra on Mon, 01/23/2023 - 21:33

Chile must get out of its role of spectator in the face of quantum technologies and make greater efforts to venture more decisively into its development, as other countries have done, says Dr. Juan Carlos Retamal, academic and researcher at the Department of Physics from the University of Santiago de Chile, whose work has focused on computing and Quantum Information.

From this point of view, he considers it key to communicate this technological development to the generations of young students who have opportunities to advance professionally in this area, through schools, courses or meetings promoted from the academy, such as the one they recently held with the support of the Faculty. of Sciences of the USACH and the CEDENNA Center.

For three days, the "QuSantiago" Summer School brought together students and academics from different universities and careers, addressing topics such as fundamental concepts of quantum computing, the current platforms that allow the experimental realization of quantum computing, as well as practical sessions for programming on quantum computers in the cloud. And, of course, the latest advances in quantum computing were analysed, both at the software and hardware level.

The day included talks given via zoom by professors Juan José García-Ripoll from the CSIC in Spain and professor Enrique Solano CEO of Kipu-Quantum, a leading German company in software development for quantum computing, as well as face-to-face sessions given by academics from our university Drs. Juan Carlos Retamal, Guillermo Romero and Francisco Albarrán.

Dr. Guillermo Romero specifies that "what we have tried to communicate to people is how to investigate quantum computing issues: for this reason it was important that those who attended had some training in quantum mechanics, since quantum computing is an application of this theory ”.

An important role in the organization of QuSantiago has been played by Dr. Francisco Albarrán, recently incorporated into the Physics Department of our University, "The subject of quantum computing generates many expectations and it is important to communicate what we can and cannot do with the devices quantum that exist today”, he notes.

“Until now we have been spectators of all this worldwide interest in the development of quantum technologies. It is important that we begin to develop initiatives like this, in which we integrate young people to soak up these technologies that are going to be important for future development”, Dr. Retamal finally emphasizes.

Nanoscience Photos

Autora: R. Abarca, Cedenna.
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