"ProNano", its north is the classroom: Teachers from Santiago and regions learn nanotechnology

Submitted by olabrin on Mon, 05/29/2023 - 16:50

In the 403 edition of the Government Education magazine, it was highlighted that different teachers from various regions of the country learn about nanoscience and nanotechnology, in order to transfer this knowledge to their students, also highlighting the importance of this science, also pointing out , which is part of the 3rd and 4th grade Curricular Bases and is taught in Chemistry subjects, within the Differential Humanist-Scientific Training plan.

For more details, you can check the full note here!

(Pages 68 to 74)



Foto Revista Gob
Categoría Prensa
Fecha de Publicación

Nanoscience Photos

Autora: R. Abarca, Cedenna.
Nanohilos de Cobalto
Estrella de Vanadio
Impresión de nanovolcanes
Rebeldía de las magnetizaciones
Campos magnéticos coloridos
Rebeldía de las magnetizaciones