ANID congratulates CEDENNA at the end of its annual visit

Submitted by olabrin on Thu, 06/01/2023 - 13:54

"The Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, CEDENNA, is a very solid center, with very good leadership, a team of researchers, students, and thesis students who effectively fully comply with what ANID expects from a Basal Center," the members pointed out. of the National Research and Development Agency at the end of its annual inspection visit to the center.

As the entity in charge of managing and executing the technological development and innovation programs and instruments defined by the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation, ANID annually inspects the centers that have obtained state funding for their projects.

In this context, the Directorate of Associative Projects of ANID carried out its annual inspection visit on May 31 to learn in detail about the work carried out by CEDENNA managers, researchers, students and officials during the year.

Throughout the day, the members of the ministerial team met with the directors and toured one by one the different laboratories of the center, issuing at the end an auspicious evaluation of the work developed by the scientists from 14 universities in the country that make up the center.

“I have a very good impression of CEDENNA. It is a very solid center. Not in vain it has been practically more than 15 years, therefore, the consolidation stage has already occurred. It has very good leadership, an excellent team of researchers, with postgraduate and undergraduate students and thesis students who effectively manage to visualize an approach that is very much in line with what a Basal Center is", specified Helen Ipinza Wolf, Head of the Department of Initiatives oriented to the Development and Innovation, who headed the ANID delegation.

“These are centers of technology and science of excellence and therefore have a duty to be with respect to what they do. They cannot only do excellent science and move the frontier of knowledge, because their objective is much broader: they have to connect this basic science to applied science to propose solutions. And CEDENNA is very clear about that," he said.


"From what they told us, I have the impression that they are quite satisfied with the progress that our center has shown, which has made great advances this year from the point of view of basic science, but also from the applications," he commented for her part of doctor Dora Altbir, director of CEDENNA.

“From the knowledge that is developed, we as a country need to advance in applications and find solutions to the different problems that arise in the productive development of Chile. And it is precisely what we do at our center: we develop knowledge and that knowledge provides the basis for different applications that can solve specific problems in the country”, he concluded.

Nanoscience Photos

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Impresión de nanovolcanes
Estrella de Vanadio
Nanohilos de Cobalto
Rebeldía de las magnetizaciones
Campos magnéticos coloridos
Autora: R. Abarca, Cedenna.