Rare earths: a strategic opportunity for Chile

Submitted by olabrin on Mon, 06/19/2023 - 12:35

Last Sunday, the digital newspaper El Mostrador highlighted the opinion column of our researcher Walter Cañón.

"The extraction and development of rare earths in Chile could not only generate employment and economic development, but also boost scientific and technological research in the country. Investment in R+D+i in this specific field would open new doors to the innovation and the development of new technologies. In addition, it would allow us to contribute to the transition towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly economy."

To view the full opinion column, visit the link below!


Columna Elmo Walter
Categoría Prensa
Fecha de Publicación

Nanoscience Photos

Rebeldía de las magnetizaciones
Impresión de nanovolcanes
Estrella de Vanadio
Nanohilos de Cobalto
Rebeldía de las magnetizaciones
Campos magnéticos coloridos
Autora: R. Abarca, Cedenna.