CEDENNA researcher among leading women in Crystal Engineering

Submitted by olabrin on Wed, 08/16/2023 - 12:59

The magazine "Crystal Growth & Design" highlighted the researcher of CEDENNA's Nanostructures Chemistry line, Dr. Verónica Paredes, among the leading women in publications in the area of ​​crystal engineering.


"The development of this area has allowed me to consolidate academically and also as a researcher in coordination polymers", she explains when commenting on this recognition, obtained thanks to "perseverance, dedication, discipline at work, resilience to face challenges, creativity to solve problems common obstacles of science, academic work, aptitudes and the abilities that I have been developing throughout my career.

Dr. Diego Venegas, principal investigator of the aforementioned line of research at the center, stressed that this was "great news, but not a surprise" for him.

She comments that the researcher has dedicated her career in recent years to the study of structural and magnetic properties of chiral coordination polymers, that is, structures that potentially deflect polarized light. “Verónica has always stood out as a very determined woman with a strong character, which has allowed her to stand out from her peers. For line 3 of CEDENNA, a line that has more women than men (5 out of 9 researchers) is great news and an incentive for the other women on the line”, she proudly states.

In its latest edition, the magazine highlights the work of women at the forefront in this area of ​​research in the world, hoping that each one of them will inspire other women to continue contributing in this field of crystals. 

Likewise, the editors explain that the idea of ​​making this special issue arose at the end of June 2022, when the gender bias in the publication of chemistry and the underrepresentation of women in publications were addressed, as well as the experiences of discrimination and biases that women face throughout the research and publication process.

Crystal Growth & Design (usually abbreviated as Cryst. Growth Des.) is a scientific journal published since 2001 by the American Chemical Society and dedicated to disseminating contributions in the area of ​​chemistry and chemical engineering on crystalline growth, crystal engineering, and industrial application of crystalline materials. It includes theoretical and experimental studies on physical, chemical, and biological phenomena and processes related to the design, growth, and application of crystalline materials.

Nanoscience Photos

Autora: R. Abarca, Cedenna.
Nanohilos de Cobalto
Estrella de Vanadio
Impresión de nanovolcanes
Rebeldía de las magnetizaciones
Campos magnéticos coloridos
Rebeldía de las magnetizaciones