Registration open for the Molecular Dynamics Workshop: bringing theory closer to experiment

Submitted by olabrin on Thu, 09/28/2023 - 13:27


With the objective of providing fundamentals of numerical simulations, developing skills in the use of molecular dynamics software and applying different techniques in practical problems at a basic and advanced level in science and engineering, on October 24 and 25 the “Workshop of Molecular Dynamics: Bringing Theory to Experiment”,

The conference will take place in the Auditorium of the Rector Eduardo Morales Santos Research Centers Building of the University of Santiago de Chile. The Workshop is aimed at undergraduate and graduate students in science and engineering who are interested in learning numerical simulation tools and acquiring practical experience.

Why attend?

This workshop will provide all attendees with a solid foundation in numerical simulations, a skill that is increasingly in demand in fields such as engineering, physics, and chemistry. Not only will theoretical knowledge be acquired, but these concepts can also be applied in practical exercises and a final project.


How to register?

Registrations will be received through the QR code that is on the workshop poster, from which you can access a site that explains the steps to follow. Doubts or queries can also be resolved through email [email protected]


Limited quotas

Attendees must bring a laptop to carry out the different activities that this workshop considers.



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Autora: R. Abarca, Cedenna.