INN accreditation positions Cedenna as a benchmark in the measurement of nanomaterial toxicity

Submitted by olabrin on Fri, 12/20/2024 - 17:40

Today we want to highlight the note published by USACH Al Día de la entitled "INN Accreditation positions CEDENNA as a reference in the measurement of nanomaterial toxicity"!

This important recognition of the Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (CEDENNA) marks a milestone in our research work. The accreditation of the Nanobioassay Laboratory under the NCh-ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard consolidates our position as a reference in the field, highlighting the ability to guarantee reliable and precise results in nanomaterial bioassays.

Dr. Juan Escrig, director of CEDENNA and dean of the Faculty of Science at USACH, highlighted: “The accreditation of the Nanobioassay Laboratory under the NCh-ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard is a highly significant achievement for CEDENNA. It represents a recognition of our ability to guarantee reliable and precise results in nanomaterial bioassays, backed by the highest international standards. This reinforces our mission to lead nanoscience and nanotechnology research in the country, while ensuring the quality of the services we offer to industry, academia, and research centers.”

🔗 We invite you to read the full note published by USACH Al Día at the following link:



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Nanoscience Photos

Autora: R. Abarca, Cedenna.
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