Cedenna: 1st place in Innovation in the Scimago Ranking

Submitted by sandra.gomez on Sun, 05/16/2021 - 18:27

The Scimago Institutions Ranking 2021 ranked Cedenna in 1st place among Chilean government institutions for its results in Innovation. This group includes all the Basal and Regional Centers and Millennium Institutes, and measures the categories of Research, Patenting and Social Impact. Our center ranks 1st in Innovation (in 2020 we ranked 2nd), third in Research and third in Social Impact. “This is excellent news. Being included in this ranking is a sign of maturity, since high requirements are demanded ”, highlighted the director of Cedenna, Dora Altbir.

In the universe of institutions measured in the report published in 2021 (SCIMAGO 2021), which includes the world's leading universities and research centers, Cedenna improved in research (Research ranking). And it appears in position 67 out of a total of 139 institutions in Latin America, and in 15th place among 39 institutions, universities and research centers nationwide.

"It should be considered that entering the ranking is already a sign of good work, since only institutions with more than 100 publications in the last year of the considered five-year period enter," said Dora Altbir. "This marks a starting point that we will surely overcome in the coming years, especially considering that our center only started its activities in social networks this year, an issue that significantly affects these records, as it is one of the aspects considered in the evaluation, as well as than the patenting and publication of scientific works ”.

Since 2009, Scimago Research Group has developed the Scimago Institutions Rankings (SIR) as an analysis tool for the evaluation and continuous improvement processes of the different entities, providing a classification in terms of their scientific, economic and social contribution. It uses indicators based on global standards reported in databases such as Scopus ©, European Patent Office, Google, Mendeley and Hrefs.

The research classification refers to the volume, impact and quality of the institution's research production, while the innovation ranking is calculated based on the number of patent applications and the citations that its research production receives from them. Finally, the social impact ranking is based on the number of pages on the institution's website and the number of citations and mentions from social networks.


Nanoscience Photos

Autora: R. Abarca, Cedenna.
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